That's like 91 years old in dog
Currently Pebbs is our oldest pet
Her and Ashley have grown up
together and have a love/hate
relationship. Pebbles loves and
Ashley hates ;). Actually its more
of a sibyl rivalry thing.
When Ashley was little she would
tease Pebbles, so Pebbles would
retaliate by stealing off with her
toys. The competition is still on
13 years later...
Tiggone on the other hand, LOVES
Pebbles! And Pebbs is smart enough
to realize, be nice to the baby and you
get to stay in the house longer.
I don't think there has ever been
a time in my life when I haven't
had some kind of pet. Even though
they can be expensive at times and
they can be a pain in the behind,
they love so unconditionally it's
worth it.
If only people could love so
unconditionally. Without thought
of social standing or what you
look like. Without caring what you
do for an honest living. Or how much
money you make, or what area of
town you live in. If you think about
it, pets are a lot more like our Savior
Jesus Christ, then we humans. They
love unconditionally. Are loyal and
faithful and always forgiving.
I can't imagine not having at least
one pet. (Usually we have a tad... bit
more than one ;). Just ask any
one of the kids and they will have
a memory of one of our animals.
1 comment:
happy birthday pebbles.
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