My small but wonderful almond harvest :)
We have lived in this house for more than 13 years now. In all those years I have planted (and replanted) fruit and nut trees in the hope of actually being able to harvest and eat what the trees produce. Can I just say, yeah right! It may sound silly to be excited over 4 dozen little almonds, but that is the most any tree has produced that is edible.
It is like
UGHHHH... Every year I have this nice orange tree that produce the best "lemons".
Pomegranate bushes that, this year cracked and dried up by August, and a lemon tree that still has not produced one lemon! I have had horses and dogs eat my trees several times and have had to start from scratch again. So those cute little almonds are very exciting...
Almonds bring back some great childhood memories for me. In our back yard we had these two big beautiful almond trees. I remember as a kid going out in the fall and picking the almonds up off the ground, shelling them and eating them right there. It is funny, but I love raw almonds. No salt, not roasted or candied. Just plain straight from the tree raw almonds.
For those that haven't seen almonds from a tree this is what they look like:

First they have a fuzzy outer shell that when ripe opens up.

the hard inner shell is what
you see in the grocery store
when you buy them in the shell.

after you crack open that shell
you have the yummy almond.
Hopefully someday, I'll have more than a few dozen almonds. Who knows maybe I'll actually get pecans, peaches, apples, pears, apricots and whatever else I get planted :)